Brand Protection and Monitoring

Brand Protection and Monitoring

Protect what’s yours with  Netway Technologies Brand Monitoring services in UAE ! Defend your brand against cybercriminals who can hijack your brand to run scams, impersonate your socialmedia accounts, sell stolen and counterfeit products & develop rogue mobile apps. As a premium services company, NetwayTechnologies provides complete and full brand protection services all year around. We help in developing a strategic brand protection and monitoring strategy for maintaining your brand’s integrity and rights. Netway Technologies offers protection against brand threats to safeguard your valuable portfolio of trademarks, logos, and products.

Our services include

  • Find Possible Fake/Phishing Domains
  • Find Possible Trademark Infringements 
  • Find Unique Logo Abuse
  •  Find abuse email address
  • Find Abuse Domain MX Records
  • Online Email Accounts monitoring
  • Corporate Social media monitoring
  • Wikipedia Monitoring 
  • Support Abuse Domain
  • Takedown Process